Insurance Law
Insurance law is complex and varies from state to state. It involves both statutory law and case law, and can involve a wide range of legal issues, including contract law, tort law, and property law. An experienced attorney can help navigate insurance law and provide guidance on insurance policies, claims, and disputes.
Coverage Disputes
Most businesses have insurance, but not all business owners know what risks are covered and which are not. Oftentimes, an insurer will deny coverage for claims that should be covered. These are called coverage disputes. They can take the form of denials based on exclusions in the policy, whether or not a lawsuit triggers the duty to defend, or different interpretations of the policy language.
A lawyer can play an important role in resolving insurance coverage disputes. We can help you by reviewing the policy, examining the underlying facts, giving you an independent assessment on the policy language, and if necessary, filing a lawsuit against the insurer to demand coverage.
Bad-faith Denials
A client may file a bad-faith claim against an insurance company if it believes that the insurer has acted in bad faith in handling a claim. Bad-faith is a legal term that refers to dishonesty or unfair dealing, and it can take many forms in the insurance context.
A bad-faith claim can be a powerful tool for a business that believes it has been treated unfairly by an insurance company. If successful, it can result in the payment of damages beyond what is owed under the insurance policy, and can help to hold the insurer accountable for its actions. However, bad-faith claims can be complex and difficult to prove, and may require the assistance of an experienced insurance lawyer.
Coverage Review
Every business should know what their insurance covers, but this is easier said than done. It is much better to know your insurance coverage before a claim arises. Once the accident happens, it's too late to insure it.
We help clients of all sizes review their insurance policies to make sure their business is covered and to mitigate risks down the road. We also help clients factor in their insurance policies into their overall risk-managment plan.